Control Points

Control Points are used to hint the geometry to the non-rigid fitting algorithm. Users can add as many Control Points they want and can overlap them without any issue.

Control points need to have same count and order in both target and source meshes as they`re used to hint correspondent landmarks between the two of them to the non-rigid fitting algorithm.

There are several options that allow users to configure how control points work in Mesh Morpher's wrapper.

Users can Save, Load, Clear and change the Influence of the Control Points for both Target and Source.

To select a Control Point, users can Left Click on it which also allows them to change the influence for the selected Control Point

Reset Influence resets the Influences for all Control Points to the value located in Wrapper Settings.

Right Clicking on a Control Point will remove it and doing so will change the Index for the Control Points with a higher index.

Aligning bones, changing Section Selection or masking will clear out the selected Control Points.

Holding Left Shift while adding a Control Point will create a Symmetric Control Point as well.

There are several visual settings for Control Points that can be access by navigating to Edit->Settings.

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