Create Standalone Morph Target from Mesh Files
Grabs the deltas between Base and Morph files and projects them on the Target Mesh and creates a Standalone Morph Target. This node requires Base and Morphed files to be FBX/OBJ format. Base and Morphed files are required to have same vertex count and order. Morph Targets are projected on all Target Mesh LODs. Projection is multi-threaded but can be very intensive on meshes with big data.
You can learn more about Standalone Morph Targets here.
Parameter | Description |
| Outer used for the resulted Standalone Morph Targets created during Projection. |
Base File
| FBX File and Import Settings of the Base FBX. |
Morphed File
| FBX File and Import Settings of the Morph FBX. |
| Assigned Morph Target Name. |
Target Mesh
| Target Mesh to project Standalone Morph Targets on. |
| Maximum LOD Index on the Target Mesh to project the Morph Targets |
Vertex Threshold
| Maximum Distance threshold between a vertex in the target mesh and a vertex in source mesh, at which they are considered to be correspondent. |
Normal Incompatibility Threshold
| Normal threshold at which a triangle is deemed as incompatible. This helps to avoid triangle flipping during Projection. |
Smooth Iterations
| Smooth Iterations steps used to Smooth the resulted Projected Deltas. |
Smooth Strength
| Smooth Strength used to Smooth the resulted Projected Deltas. |
Smooth Type
| Smooth Type used to Smooth the resulted Projected Deltas. |
Parameter | Description |
Morph Target
| Resulted Standalone Morph Target. |
Last updated